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The Exiled:
Year to Date Summary[RESIZED].gif

The Beginning of the Exiled.


Meaningful friendships are often formed while playing games. The owners are four such friends who so happened to share the thought “wouldn’t it be cool...” Armed with years of friendship and trust, the four founders of the Exiled Gaming Community set forth to establish their first DayZ community, Tegridy Farms.


Tegridy Farms, had it all! Loyal player base, unique experience, and a Discord server composed of over 2000 members. However, due to conflict in morals, ideals, and toxicity Zodiac, Snowballin, and SnakeVenom was cast from the community by those they once considered family. With a strong sense of betrayal, the three friends proceeded to remove themselves from the community and close what they had owned. With their absence, Tegridy Farms proceeded to re-brand and later became Pyschedelic Hell.


After some time passed, Zodiac and Snow was enjoying themselves on a new DayZ server as simply players. Then as fate would have it, a previous core member of Tegridy Farms logged onto the same server! Once seeing DirkAlot’s name appear on the player’s list, Zodiac and SnowBallin made it a point to reach out to apologize directly for the experience of losing friends and donation progression. With a sense of relief, the two were met with nothing but respect and understanding for the situation.


With the three re-united, they decided to invest into a small GTX 10-slot server to simply play and enjoy a modded Chernarusplus experience. While configuring the server and mods, DirkAlot showed a strong understanding for the craft. While DirkAlot was hard at work with preparing the server, Zodiac and SnowBallin was pulling endless hours building some of the nicest trader zones ever seen in DayZ. With their combined efforts and vision, they released the first Exiled server and was awarded what is now known as “HardMode.”

At this point SnakeVenom joined the team to spearhead the administrative side of the Exiled experience. His unique approach of greeting and welcome each new player established a new standard for admins. This had proven to be critical to the success and growth of the server. Soon after the server launch, SnakeVenom established his first event titled “The Pit of Death.” The Pit of Death was a one-on-one fight to the death between players! Successfully introducing a controlled PvP element to the Exiled Community. Sense then many other events have been implemented and the server “Brawler’s Island” has been become the dedicated space for these community oriented activities.


As the owners continued to add content and further enrich the Exiled Experience for players, the need for a dedicated team of admins became apparent. Eventually, Yellowstone, Lucifer, RanMan, and Bxnes became what is now known as General Managers (GMs). The General Managers where hired to to further assist the Owners directly. They fulfill critical roles and form the four corner stones of the Exiled Community.


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